Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) & Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) Human Intelligence (HUMINT) - SSC Legacy
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Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) & Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

OSINT, SOCMINT and HUMINT are intelligence-gathering methods used to collect and analyse publicly available information and data for investigative purposes. Tools can include freely available sources and subscriber based offerings such as Public and Business records and newspaper subscription journals.  However, research is not limited to what can be found using the so-called “surface web” like Google. It is sometimes necessary delve into the Dark Web.

It may seem a relatively straight forward process, but it is easy to miss valuable information and become overwhelmed and distracted.  This is why it may become necessary to use our highly trained specialists. They have the tools, techniques, knowledge and will set out a clear strategy and framework. Simply looking for anything is a waste of time and will inevitably lead to burnout.

To find out more about our Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) & Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) Human Intelligence (HUMINT) investigations services, contact Howard on +27 82 449 0317 or

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