SSC Legacy surveillance services are used to observe people, data, places and vehicles, which may require investigations into illegal or misappropriate behaviour. Our techniques range from the use of electronics, physical observation, conducting interviews, and the use of technology.
Our surveillance team have developed the special skills required to successfully manage these projects through years of experience and training.
Technical Surveillance
Technical Surveillance encompasses drone, digital photography and video/audio recordings, as well as vehicle and mobile tracking.
Cyber and Social Media Surveillance
Cyber and Social Media Surveillancehas become a mechanism for the surveillance of people, objects and processes based on new technologies. Human intelligence can be used as a form of surveillance.
Human Intelligence (HUMINT)
Human Intelligence (HUMINT)is intelligence gathered by means of interpersonal contact, as opposed to the more technical surveillance gathering techniques.
Interviews are sometimes conducted by investigators and Undercover Agents to discover as much information as possible about the subject.
To find out more about our surveillance services, contact Howard on +27 82 449 0317 or