Verify criminal records by fingerprint with SSC Legacy. The biometric data is checked electronically against the AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification Services) database for a possible criminal record.
We use a SAPS approved biometric fingerprint reader
The candidate’s fingerprint is scanned and electronically matched against the SAPS database
In order to conduct the test, the individual must sign a consent form
Our turnaround time is 24 hours for your report
Should the individual be flagged in the system, the report will state “SAPS Verification Requested”
For more information or to book a fingerprinting verification, complete the form below:
Criminal record checks performed during our background check process are legally required to be performed using a set of digitally captured fingerprints. To capture these fingerprints, we use a fingerprint reader called the Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
To find out more about our Criminal Checks and Fingerprinting services, contact Siphiwe on +27 81 780 1172; Lynette 0117868556 or +27 82 682 4546 or
We also offer a mobile fingerprinting unit with certified Biometrics Specialist for travel to your business premises for an additional fee in Johannesburg.