Kidnapping survival tips - SSC Legacy
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Kidnap survival and prevention training

Kidnapping survival tips

Kidnappings are on the rise in South Africa according to the latest crime statistics reported by police minister Bheki Cele. In the first quarter of this year (January to March), 3,306 kidnappings were reported while the same period last year had 1,580 kidnappings reported.

“We have seen an increase in the number of requests for Hostile Environment Awareness Training (H.E.A.T), which includes kidnap prevention and survival as well as tactical self-defence training, in the last year”, Hayley added. “The increase in reported kidnapping cases in the media have compelled corporates to take their duty of care obligations even more serious. In an effort to help more South Africans stay safe, we’ve launched an online course that includes Kidnapping Prevention and Survival on”

What to do during a kidnapping attempt

The first few seconds of an attempted kidnapping is crucial. You would want to prevent being dragged into a vehicle and taken to a secondary location at all costs. If you find the opportunity, you should attempt to:

  • fight back
  • use any weapon you can get your hands on to hurt your attacker
  • scream to attract the attention of others

If your arms are being held to your sides, use your feet and legs to stomp on your attacker’s toes, knee them in the crotch, or kick their kneecaps and shins. If your hands are free, go for vital points like the throat (trachea) and eyes.

What to do if you have been kidnapped

Follow your captors’ instructions once you’ve been taken. Do not make eye contact but stay observant of where you are taken, your surroundings once at your destination, attempt to build a relationship with your captors and appeal to their familial sides. Do not grovel, beg, or cry. Remain mentally and physically active. Attempt and escape if you find the opportunity to do so safely or wait to be rescued.

Report a kidnapping

  • Take a recent photograph of the victim
  • Give a detailed description of the missing person’s last whereabouts and
  • Recount as much information of the incident – including number of persons, location, vehicle, direction into which the vehicle drove
  • Complete and sign a SAPS 55(A) form
  • Take note of the investigation officer’s details and case number
  • If a missing person is found or returns voluntarily, inform the investigating officer immediately

SSC Equity Training is a Level 2 B-BBEE contributor with 26% black female ownership. We are part of the SSC Legacy Group managed by Howard Griffiths, a private investigator. To find out more about our H.E.A.T, Personal Safety & Security, Hijack Prevention or Tactical Self-Defence Workshops, visit